Thursday, March 28, 2013

Brand name make-up FREE!

Coupons at the dollar store - yes please!

Even if you roll your eyes at extreme couponers, I think everyone can appreciate these deals.

This is what I picked up at The Dollar Tree today.  With the coupons I had they were free!  All I paid was the tax.

Look a bit closer.  That is Cover Girl hiding in the nondescript packaging!! 

I've gotten all of this for free with high dollar makeup coupons. The Dollar Tree takes manufacture coupons and makeup coupons are almost always over a dollar off.

Here's the thing you have to realize, though. The makeup items found at the dollar store are not the most sought after items. The lip colors can be crazy! I did end up loving one of the colors, but the rest are a bit out there. No problem, makeup is fun. You never know when you might feel like wearing a crazy color; and if that's not your thing, I usually combine colors or place a gloss over and change the look.

As you can also tell, Earthen, Sable, and Terra are not exactly color matches for me. Again, no problem at all.

Here's the solution.

I mix it with my daily moisturizer. So far I mix a little bit before I apply the moisturizer, but I plan on purchasing another lotion and mix it all at once for a complete tinted moisturizer.

Look closely because there are other coupon deals to find at the dollar store, but so far makeup is my favorite and I can't wait to see what other freebies I'll come across! Linking up here!


  1. What a great idea, to mix your moisturizer with your foundation if the color's not a perfect match. I never thought of that! :) It probably goes on much smoother that way too, you don't have to worry about streaks. Awesome! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Thanks for commenting!

      I've always stayed pretty low-maintenance and done the tinted moisturizer thing - so far, only with a color match. I imagine this will take far less and go a very long way - another bonus!

      Thanks for reading!


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