Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Raising Some Money to Nix Lupus! {with some help from TeeSpring}

As I've said before, I've been putting this blog on the back burner while I focus on my goals for my own personal health and wellness, as well as the health of my family. As part of that goal, I have taken up running and have signed up for a 5K mid-September.

I'll be completing my first-ever 5K at the Lupus Walk for Hope and 5K. We have a team - 'Nix Lupus' - in honor of my amazing cousin, Nickie, who battles with this disease daily. She is a 22-year-old woman with the most infectious bubbly and funny personality. It is so hard to see her act as if everything is alright, when we know that she is in constant pain.

A little blurb from the Lupus Foundation of Minnesota about the disease:

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease where the immune system turns against parts of the body it’s designed to protect. This leads to inflammation and can affect many different body systems, including joints, blood cells and organs.

I am so happy to spread awareness about this disease that I knew nothing about until a couple short years ago, and to raise money to help find a cure. This is why I was so excited to run into an opportunity to design a t-shirt to raise awareness and money for Lupus.

I came across a company called TeeSpring. They offer anyone the opportunity to create a campaign, by designing a t-shirt to sell, to raise money for themselves or a particular cause. No money is needed upfront, and the shirt only goes to print once a specified goal is reached. I have placed a goal of 50 shirts on my campaign. I believe that would only give the Lupus Foundation of Minnesota around $200, so I would definitely like to sell more!

The first thing I did was create a design. I found this quote on Pinterest and thought it completely represented my cousin specifically, as well as all the women and men dealing with this disease.

Next, I went to their online designer and uploaded my image and picked a shirt. I went with a basic white tee, because it's gender-neutral and the cheapest option, so I can maximize my profit for Lupus.

After the shirt was designed, I set a price, entered some information about why the shirt was designed, and it was ready to go! You even get your own URL for sharing -

Now I just have to spread the word and get this baby sold.

So here is my plea. Help me spread the word!!

I feel like so little is known about Lupus and the effect it has on those whose lives are touched by it. Imagine your own immune system attacking itself and having pain in your joints or constant fluid in your lungs... We need to get some help and some answers.

I would be so grateful to anyone who could spread this message around via their blog, social media, or what have you.

Here is the link to the Nix Lupus T-Shirt and the Nix Lupus team for donations.

Thank you!!!

**TeeSpring was nice enough to offer me this campaign after I had already decided to set up a design to raise some money, all opinions are my own, made up prior to compensation**

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