Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fun school lunches: the holiday weekend put me a bit behind

I feel so behind after the holiday weekend! I was at the cabin with little to no Internet access. I had some projects that I planned to photograph but the gloomy days didn't give the best light. I suppose I could have taken the pictures on the nice days we had but I was too busy enjoying them!

I haven't packed too many fun lunches lately. I've been feeling a bit rushed so I've been having my step-daughter make her own sandwiches, or I've been grabbing some I keep stocked in the freezer and adding fruits and veggies.

Today I got a little creative.

I used a lot of the same things in these two lunches but in different ways to keep them interesting.

I made one sandwich and cut it in half. I used some Play-Doh cutters from the dollar spot at Target to press the shapes into the bread. I wanted the designs to stand out a bit more so I toasted them.

This sandwich had a person pressed in and I used another Doh tool to make a cheese face for a little more detail. I cut a butterfly and flower out of the rest of the cheese - there is some detail that doesn't show up on camera. I cut the carrots a couple different ways: in small strips for the flower stem or some long grass, in small circles for the clouds along with the oyster crackers, and I made a hat out of another small circle of carrot. Last, I sliced some pear and placed it alongside.

This one was a bit more simple. This half of the sandwich was stamped with a turtle. I added carrots below for rocks and pear slices above for grass or a rock. I also added a jar of plain yogurt topped with blue sprinkles to make a "pond."

These lunches are from a few weeks ago. Again, I used some of the same things but tried to make it interesting.

I cut half of the sandwich into triangles and and placed the points together. I used a cookie cutter for a cheese flower and placed some triangle pieces of celery in a silicone cup with two Nilla wafers hidden under.

The other half of the sandwich went into this container. I separated the container with a large slice of cheese and placed apple slices on one side and some crackers on the other side of the sandwich.

Making lunches this way has sure made the chore of packing for a picky eater much more enjoyable, but I sure am looking forward to summer!

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