Sunday, April 14, 2013

Today marks the crossover to that couponer

I felt a little crazy today.

As I was going through our Sunday paper cutting out coupons, I came across a $1 off El Monterey product coupon. I thought back to the case of $0.45 burritos at Walmart and that's when I feel like I went a little off the deep end...

I got Hubby all set with the kids and took off for the store. Not only did I snatch up that $0.55 profit burrito, I also grabbed 10 more papers and 10 more burritos!

Here's the kicker... I don't even eat burritos! No, they won't go to waste. Hubby is always looking for a quick meal or hearty snack.

Did I mention that I embarked on this impulse coupon trip in the middle of a blizzard? Ridiculous!

All in all, I should come out ahead. It would have been better if the paper was $1 like I had thought, instead of finding out they cost $1.75. I still think it will be worth the investment because there were a ton of coupons this week. The eleven $1 off toothpaste coupons should get us free toothpaste for a couple months and I think there will be some free razors and lotion in our future as well.

I spent the rest of the afternoon cutting coupons and working on my new coupon plans.

I totaled my expired or almost expired coupons and will be sending them to military families in Japan. There is no reason anyone with expired coupons shouldn't be doing this!  The Overseas Coupon Program allows you to adopt a base and send your unused coupons because they can use them up to 6 months after they expire.  What an awesome idea!

My second coupon idea...  I've always immediately disregarded the pet coupons, but I've noticed they often end up working out to free products.  I think I'll start taking a look at them and make some donations to shelters or fosters if I come across some good deals.  I'm not much of a pet person, but helping out and a tax write off sound like a good idea to me!

Anyone else a couponer? Does anyone donate to OCP already, or plan to now?

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