Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Newspaper Bangles

I have a confession to make: I am a newspaper hoarder...  Since I've been home with my kids and clipping coupons, I have amassed quite the stack of newspapers.  I keep thinking I'll read more or that I could make better use of them than recycling.

My husband thinks I'm nuts...

This project was completed while he was at work. :). I gathered the supplies, including an empty Pringles can he made fun of me for saving.

I started this project quite a while ago and planned to do something with the bottom - I'm not sure what, if it was a snack-sized can it seems a little small. Anyway... I measured up from the bottom...

...and made some little holes to mark the spot.

Then I used a rubber band as a guide.

The band really helped make cutting easier! It was nice to have a guide to run the blade along.

I made a thick and thin bangle and thought I just had to try one that was thick at one end and thin at the other.

Oops! Be careful!

I cut a bunch of strips from the newspaper and started wrapping them around the rings and adhering them with Mod Podge.

The thick one. I really like how neat this ended up looking.

The thin one. I think this ended up looking the best on my wrist.

The tick to thin one. Not my favorite, but I had to try it.

Here they are! I'd like to try again, and I think I'll make a few more thin ones.

Green Crafts Showcase

Linked up to my favorite parties.


  1. These are awesome! Pinning this so I can make some later.

    1. Aww! Thanks! Don't you love free crafting!?!

  2. What a cute idea! And so smart to use things already on hand. Thank you so much for coming by and linking up to the Pinworthy Projects Party!

  3. These are so cute! I'm visiting from Keeping It Simple through my personal blog, Revolutionaries. I also write for Crafting a Green World, though.. every month we do a green crafts showcase where we feature green/eco-friendly projects from our readers. This project would be perfect, so if you're interested, you should enter! I would love to feature you :)

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

    1. How sweet! I will definitely enter and check out your websites! I hope to show many more Eco-friendly projects too - I love making use of things that would be trashed!

      Thanks for visiting!

  4. These are awesome! Totally saving my next Pringles can :)

    1. Doesn't get much better than free craft supplies! :)

  5. fun! there could be so many variations with this! Thanks for linking up to Tasteful Tuesdays and for the link back :o) Can't wait to see what you bring next week. Emily @ Nap-Time Creations
    oh, and I just posted looking for some help with my blog... maybe you can offer some advice?

  6. Oh, I just love this. There is nothing more satisfying than crafting with found supplies. :-)


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