Friday, June 28, 2013

High Rollers

My favorite lunch from the grocery deli has alway been the pinwheel sandwiches.  When I was younger, the grocery store we got then from named them, "high rollers."  If memory serves, I think the word "high" may have been spelled differently.

When we were shopping for my little guy's second birthday, I came across a tray of these sandwiches for nearly $12 and I think there were only 8 rounds in the container.  Seriously!?!

I was sure I could do better.

I got to work gathering the ingredients instead:
Flatout Flat Wraps
Dill Dip
Bacon Ranch Dip
Deli Sliced Ham

I've had these sandwiches a few different ways.  The ones I remember from my childhood were made with a dill veggie dip - yum!  Since then I've had some made with more of a cream cheese spread.

I decided to try and bring back the high rollers of my youth.  I picked up what I thought was a dill dip but turned out to be a dill ranch dip - a little different taste but still good.


Slather a nice thin layer of dip, mayo' cream cheese spread ove the Flat Wrap.  Be careful not to get too thick around the edges to prevent a huge mess when rolled.

Next, add the lettuce (romaine here) in a thin layer over 2/3 of the wrap.  Keeping a portion uncovered will help with the rolling later.  

Another hint: be mindful of how each layer will roll. When I got to the harder pieces of romaine, I placed each leaf so the ribs ran parallel to the way I rolled to make wrapping easier.

Next is the layer of thinly-sliced tomatoes (Romas here).  They are layered after the lettuce to keep the tomatoes from slipping against the dip while eating.

Unless you are able to very thinly slice the cheese, place them parallel to the way you will be rolling to keep everything nicely rolled and contained.

The wrap below is the one with the bacon Ranch Dip. I sliced the tomatoes different and added cheese so I could tell apart the wraps with the two different types of dips.

I should add here that a delicious addition, that I didn't have but wished I did, is roasted red peppers. Yum!!

Add your deli meat.  For the thickness of my slices, 5 was my magic number.  Be sure to place them as far out the the endges in the middle as possible to keep the end slices full.

*Note* This picture isn't totally accurate.  I ended up moving the last piece of ham on the end back a bit because everything moves as you roll and this last piece of ham would stick out if left in the current position.

A good general rule is to keep all layers (except the spread) an inch or two from the end to accommodate rolling.

Start rolling.  Everything will shift, so I try to hold the middle of the wrap (push down on the meat) with the tips of my fingers as I roll.

I ended up making 2 rolls of each dip and one plain for the two people that don't eat mayo, sour cream, or cream cheese.

got about six 1 1/2 to 2 inch slices out of each.  Some of the ends can end up a little small, either discard them or roll a little tighter and place them on the outer edgesof your platter.


  1. Those look SO GOOD! And nothing for me to burn! hahaha "no words to squint at" THANK YOU FOR THAT! I know a lot of people had to turn their Captcha back on b/c of spam but I HATE IT SO MUCH!
    I saw you at Snack Cups blog hop, nice to "meet" you!

  2. These look delicious! I love those Flat Out wraps! Have a super week.

  3. Your pinwheels look yummy plus you can control what you put in them. I found your blog on The Thrifty Home link up party and am your newest follower. I am also the mother of two; however, one of ours is out on his own and our youngest is in college. There is no greater reward than being a mom! I know you must be busy with two under two, but when you get a chance, stop by Still Woods Farmhouse for a visit!

  4. These look just perfect. Gives me the idea to try out an Indian version of it, with the ingredients easily available here in India.

    Thank for sharing. Hope you had a nice party.

  5. These look SO delicious! I will definitely have to try these soon.

  6. Those look delicious. I always love the roll ups and your version sounds great. Thanks for linking up with Consider Me Inspired and Clippie Dips! Have a great day.

  7. This is making me hungry,it looks good. We always make fajita but i never put ham. Im going to try your version. I like ranch also. This comment is for have it you way giveaway for jens blah blah blog


I LOVE comments and, don't worry, there are no words to squint at and verify on this blog!! :) So, have at it!