Sunday, June 23, 2013

Newsprint Silverware Caddy

After we had our garage sale a couple weeks ago, we were left with this baby.

She's just begging for a new look!

I couldn't let her go with the donation load either, but I had no idea what I was going to do with her. (Yes... Doesn't she look like a lady?)

When I settled on a decorating scheme for my kiddo's 2nd Birthday coming up on Wednesday, I knew her purpose.

Here's a hint...

I covered the sides in Mod Podge.

I stuck pieces of newspaper to the sides, not worrying about the ends sticking out because I was going to trip them later, after it dried.

Luckily, it is really forgiving. I glued the wrong side down and ended up with a page of tee-times. All I had to do to remove it was wet the paper and rub it off with a cloth.

This will only work if you don't seal the top with Mod Podge. Another reason for not sealing the top was that I wanted to paint the parts not being covered in paper, and I didn't wants to chance having spots reject the paint. It makes it a lot cleaner and easier to leave the final seal coat for the end.

Once everything was dry, I took some sand paper to the edges to remove the extra paper that wasn't trimmed close. Then I began painting with a small amount of white paint thinned with water.

I had planned to paint over the newspaper but didn't want to risk anything happening to the print, so I decided to seal all the paper parts with a layer of Mod Podge, now that the other spots were painted.

Once dry, I covered the sides covered in newspaper with the thinned white paint. I painted it onand rubbed it in with a towel so it wouldn't cover too much.

The next step was to take some sandpaper to the edges to distress it a bit. A rougher grit paper was needed for the spots covered with the Mod Podge and a finer grit was used for the painted areas.

Since I already had the Mod Podge handy, I used that to seal the bare wood exposed after sanding and I was finished!

This will look amazing with the rest of the party decor.

I will share more as I finish some projects and will definitely share some pics from the party on Wednesday.


  1. That is SO cute! I love repurposing old things to make them more interesting. Newsprint is one of my favorite things! Very nice!

    Amanda @ Running In Heels

  2. I love this idea! Pinning this!


  3. Love this idea! You could do it this with just about any item! Found you through Someday Crafts' Whatever Goes Wednesday.

    1. I was thinking that! It would be fun to try it on something else!

  4. This looks awesome!!! We would love it if you would link up at our linky party:
    Live every Wednesday to Sunday.
    Hosted by: Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life
    We hope to see you there!

  5. wow, you have done an awesome job. Thats what I call not wasting a penny :)

    1. It's definitely a project for the frugal crafter :)

  6. This is super cool! I love the unique finish ~ it turned out great.
    I'm visiting you today from 7alive. I co-host a Linky Party and would LOVE for you to add this. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog, leave a comment and Link Up, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Join me at DIY Showcase Link Party (Sat-Fri)

    1. Thanks Megin - I love the way it turned out too. I'll definitely check out your party

  7. This is lovely! I love using mod podge..... ~Stephanie

    1. Absolutely one of the best tools out there for crafting!

  8. What a great idea! And I love the fact that you used the paint over it and sanded the edges! Pinning this one!

  9. What a Fun Project! I would love you to come link up at my Paint Party going on now
    Hope to see you soon,


  10. What a beautiful project...I've never used newspaper before in a DIY project, other than for protecting work surfaces. You've inspired me to give it a try! I am a co-host of a 4 blog link party, The Project Stash, and I'd love for you to stop by and link up this awesome post!



  11. Now, that's what I call a thrifty project! I just picked up a caddy similar to yours at a garage sale for 50 cents. Mine doesn't have dividers though. Thinking I may copy-cat! Thank you for sharing. I found on you Blissful and Domestic Feature Friday linky party and am now following you.

  12. That is a darling idea for an update! Everytime I'm out junk-shopping I see some sort of caddy that I always think I should be able to make cute, and now I can! Thanks!!

  13. This turned out awesome. Love the last step with the watered down paint! Stop by

  14. I am featuring your silverware caddy on my blog today. Thanks for linking it up.

  15. This is awesome. I am going to find something to do this to!

  16. Very cool Kristin. Love that you covered it with newspaper instead of just painting it. Great transformation! Thank you so much for linking up your Thrifty Project with Get Your DIY on this past week. I hope you'll join us at 4:00 today to link up any spray painting projects you have had. Have a great Sunday!!

    Mandy @ The Hankful House Blog


I LOVE comments and, don't worry, there are no words to squint at and verify on this blog!! :) So, have at it!