Thursday, August 15, 2013

Call for bloggers: promotion swap

Hello friends!  I hope many of you have read my post about my upcoming 5K.  My fantastic cousin has Lupus and we are doing this for her.  I would give anything to make a large donation in her name, but the best I can do is try to raise as much money as possible for her.

I created a cute tee that can be purchased here.  There is a portion that goes to TeeSpring to produce the shirts, but the rest of the money will be sent directly to The Lupus Foundation of Minnesota.  I don't get a thing, personally, from your purchase!

I also have a link to my page for our Lupus Walk for Hope team - Nix Lupus.  If anyone would prefer to donate directly, that would be fantastic too!

I really want to spread the word.  The shirts are only on sale less than two more weeks.  If we don't meet our goal of 50 shirts, they won't go to print and no one will be charged.

It would be really sad not to have this money go to such a great cause!

I would love your help!  It would be great if any of you could help mention my post on the subject, share the link to the shirt, or mention something via any social media outlets.

I would be more than happy to return the favor!!!

If you have something you would like me to promote in exchange, I would be more than happy to!  You name it - a giveaway, post, Linky party - anything!

Message below or shoot me an email at KKHsavings (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thank you so much for your help!  I thank you, my cousin thanks you, and all those ouch end by Lupus thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Great fundraiser idea! MS is a cause close to my heart, and I do a Zumba fundraiser every year - next year I think I might sell tee shirts to raise more money too. PS. If you're interested in doing a Zumba fundraiser (so much fun!) check out who your local Zumba instructors are on (and if you need advise on how to run an event like this, let me know!)


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