Tuesday, September 10, 2013

School Days Breakfast: Frozen Breakfast Burritos

This page has moved! For all the details about how to assemble these easy breakfast burritos head over to http://exploringdomesticity.com/school-days-breakfast-frozen-breakfast-burritos/

School has started and we're working on getting a good routine started.  This is the second full school year my step-daughter has been living with us, but this year she will be walking to school instead of going to morning daycare.  

We have been trying to get things organized so she can get herself her breakfast in the morning. I have a meal plan on a dry erase board on the back of a cabinet door in the kitchen, so she can check each day and know exactly what to make herself.

Breakfast on the menu:
  • Oatmeal, 1/2 banana (easy)
  • Cereal, 1/2 banana (easy)
  • Frozen Breakfast Burrito (just made those up today)
  • Frozen pancakes (still need to prepare)
  • Egg Breakfast Muffins (still need to make another batch)

So, obviously, I have a bit of work to do, but we're taking it one day at a time.  I made almost 20 Frozen Breakfast Burritos today, along with a dozen breakfast sandwiches for Hubby, so I feel pretty accomplished!

I've been making The Hubs frozen breakfast sandwiches for almost a year now.  He used to take a Jimmy Dean sandwich everyday, and when I started staying home I figured I could make them myself.  

I posted about those sandwiches back in April and they have been very popular on Pinterest.  Just the other day, someone suggested I cut the eggs with a glass so they are round instead of taking the easy route and making them square.  The thought had crossed my mind, but I never wanted to deal with all the scrap bits of egg.  Until now...

These breakfast burritos are the perfect way to use up all the excess egg left after cutting the circle eggs for the breakfast sandwiches!

Check out my post on the frozen breakfast sandwiches for my tips on cooking the eggs on the best pan ever and using foil squares for wrapping!

Making the Frozen Breakfast Burritos

All the "scrap" egg made a lot of burritos! We should be set for a couple months at least! Fantastic!

I'm one step closer to stress-free school mornings! I'll be working on those pancakes and Egg Muffins next!


  1. Wow, you are one good momma / wife! I feel like prepping breakfast is the thing I always forget to do.

    Thanks for the step-by-step instructions. My husband also thanks you in advance. Ha!

  2. I love taking time now and then to get stuff like this made and prepped, it really helps make life easier down the road! :)

    I'd like to invite you to our weekly Meet & Greet Blog hop, It runs from Tuesday nights till the end of Saturday. Come stop by if you have some time :)


  3. This is an awesome idea! Looks so good, wish I had one now, actually!

  4. What a great idea! I love time efficiencies like this, nice one! xx

  5. Hello, I am blog hopping today and found your blog. I am so happy I found your blog through through the Sunday Blog Hop over at "Blissful and Domestic." I wanted to invite you to visit a blog I just recently started as well at http://www.joyfulhomeandlife.com

    The website is going to contain many decorating ideas, recipes, and more and I have teamed up with many talented writers on there to post entries in regards to these topics and more. Please visit (and if you would like to subscribe via e-mail to receive updates on new content posted on the website we welcome you to do that as well). We are also on Facebook at: http://facebook.com/joyfulhomeandlife (please like and share the page) and if you're on Twitter we are at: https://twitter.com/joyfulhomenlife (please follow us there)! :)


  6. I may be missing this entirely, but how long do you microwave this when ready to eat?

    1. I was wondering the same thing.

    2. It varies so much depending on your microwave and preferences, but I did one minute - it may help to wrap in a paper towel and flip halfway to keep soft

  7. The burrito's look great! Pinning for later. I've been working so much pre-making meals would definitely help. :D

  8. What a great idea you have with the frozen breakfast burritos. What a great way to save time in the morning. (More time for a second cup of coffee :-)

    I would love to have you to link up at my weekly Clever Chicks Blog Hop: http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2013/09/clever-chicks-blog-hop-week-52-one-year.html

    I hope you can make it!
    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick



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