Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Managable Goals and Vega One #OneChange

I can't stress enough the importance of "baby steps" and keeping yourself successful when embarking on a journey toward healthier living!  It is so easy to get discouraged when all you look at is the big picture.  It is so important to break things down into manageable pieces, and rewarding yourself for accomplishing each small goal.

When I started this journey, I had two kiddos under two and 80lbs to lose.  It could have been overwhelming, but I was determined.  I also made small changes as I was able to make them.  I started with being as active as I could playing with the kids, then we focused on healthier lunches, moved on to meal planning and healthy dinners for the whole family, etc...

I've lost 40lbs now, but I sure hit a snag with the holidays.  It was really hard to get my motivation back.  This week, granted I really only mean today and yesterday, is the first time that I felt fully back on track.  My cravings after the holidays were pretty out of control and I was still having some binge moments even after committing to getting back on track.

Luckily, my new mini-goal of working out with the Biggest Loser 30-day X-Train DVD was a success and I have stuck with it for two weeks now.  So, that means it's time to tackle my eating habits and make a new change.

I was thrilled to get a chance to review VegaOne Nutritional Shake.  Although, it did arrive at the same time as a plate of Christmas cookies from the neighbors.  So, after eating nearly all the Christmas cookies, I was ready to give the shakes a shot.

VegaOne has a great campaign launching to remind you that #OneChange is all it takes to get you moving in the right direction.

Are you the Number Cruncher, the Breakfast Skipper, the Serial Snacker, or the Weekend Splurger?

When times get busy with the kids, I can be a Breakfast Skipper.  I thought this was the perfect time to make this #OneChange because I have been meaning to jump on the smoothie bandwagon and a morning smoothie sounded so easy.

Ok, let me be honest.  This did not work for me, and there are a number of reasons.

I went from eating only slightly better than I had been in the past, and not concentrating on healthy eating since Thanksgiving, to starting my first ever Nutritional Shake regime.

I started with the VegaOne French Vanilla mixed with water according to the instructions.  I actually thought the taste was great, but the texture took some getting used to.  I also, never finished it and ended up feeling a bit off for the day.  (I completely attribute this to the huge change from eating junk over the holidays.)

The next day I went out and bought a small blender and decided to try a smoothie.  I didn't have much on hand to make a great smoothie, so it did not turn out as I had hoped.  (I really should have checked out some of the recipe ideas from VegaOne.)  It did taste pretty decent, but I still didn't end up finishing it and couldn't wait to get some food I could chew!

Ok, so from that point on I decided that the Breakfast Skipper was not the persona for me.  That's the great thing about making a small #OneChange - I was not at all discouraged because my big picture was still intact.  I realized that it was important for me to make time to make some eggs and get a good breakfast, involving chewing food.

Instead, I found it more important to focus on snacking, which was getting out of control.  The trouble I was having was planning for healthy snacks, so I didn't wreck a whole day with unhealthy snacks.  Enter: the Serial Snacker.

So, that's where I am now...  My #OneChange is to focus on those snacks.  I'm going to head over to get some VegaOne recipe ideas and check out the VegaOne Bars!

What #OneChange persona can you relate to?  What #OneChange are you focusing on for 2014?


  1. Oh I'm the weekend splurger for sure LOL.

  2. I adore your honesty in this post! And I love that you didn't give up when it first didn't work for you. Smoothies can be ah-MAZ-ing treats if you find recipes you enjoy.

    I think I'm both the Number Cruncher AND the Weekend Splurger. I actually use my number crunching to make sure I can enjoy my weekend splurges without going over my overall calorie limit for the week. It makes for totally guilt-free splurging...I love it!

  3. Umm... all the above ;). Kidding.

    I'd say Weekend Splurger is definitely my down fall. It's easy for me to stay on track (for the most part) during the work week. But constant access to the kitchen is rough on the weekends!

  4. I would say I fall under two persona - the weekend splurger and the serial snacker. The snacking usually begins at 3pm as soon as I return home with the little one and begin making snacks for her. She generally eats well, but she's four so we also have gold fish, pretzels, and fruit snacks in the house. You know, staple kid snacks. It's hard to not snack on those items when they're right there. Knowing my weakness, I try to grab instead nuts and/or carrots. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. And as for the weekend splurger? That usually involves wine...lots of glasses of wine;)

  5. I am the breakfast skipper. I have to really make myself eat breakfast, unless it's last morning on the weekends. I just don't get up hungry. When I worked I always ate breakfast because I knew I would be starving by lunch. When I am busy at home I just don't get hungry until lunchtime. I know I should eat before I go to the gym, but I usually don't.

  6. Hi Kristin. Love your blog. Very motivational :-) On the smoothie end, do make sure your adding a protein element. This was my mistake when I first started drinking them. I never felt full. I now use nut butters, greek yogurt, soy or almond milk and sometimes whey protein powder. It will make a huge difference, even if you only make them for a snack. My favorite is pumpkin pie made with almond milk, pumpkin (frozen in ice trays), and a small grahm cracker or two w/agave.


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