Sunday, May 19, 2013

Simple Update for Cheap Furniture

We're preparing g for a garage sale that will happe sometime soon, so my husband brought home some furniture someone was going to throw out.  This furniture is not quality but, with a little help, can function perfectly for someone and is sure to bring in a few bucks for our sale.

This nightstand doesn't look too bad, but let's look a bit closer....

Are you starting to see it?  A little bit closer....

Well that doesn't look too good!

Nothing a little sanding and paint can't fix!

Check out the shelves - that could use a lot of sanding and paint!

I took this picture with the intention of saying, "looks like someone had a few too many of these." However, it looks like I did too, because I forgot to take a full "before" shot of this bookshelf.

I didn't want to spend too much time on something that just needed a little freshening up to be sold, so I grabbed some leftover paint and covered the tops and the back of the bookshelf.

I was hoping I could come up with a better way to cover this top. It would have been nice to cover the front edge, but I found it was more important to do the whole top, including the top of the side pieces, because there was some damage there. This left me without a natural point to stop the paint. Oh well...

Not a bad update after all was said and done. I love the mint color and everything was free.

Now we have to decide what to price these babies at to make a little profit. Any suggestions? I'm awful at that... $5.00 a piece? Is that too low? Too high for a garage sale?

You might see this at these parties I adore!


  1. A little change makes a big difference. I think, it depends on where you live but I would charge at least $10 a piece (but leave it negotiable)

    1. Thanks Lena! I think that would be good too - that way we could discount a little if bought as a pair or the next day if they don't sell!


  2. They look great - beer looks yummy too!


    1. I haven't craved a beer often since having two kiddos in under two years, bit this project just called for one! :)

  3. Awe! They look so nice now! I am sure they will find a home with that little revamp! Visiting from the party at Nap Time Creations!


  4. Hi! Visiting from Naptime Creations - fixing up furniture is one of my absolute favourite things to do. Isn't it fun? Great job:)

    1. So much fun! I have big aspirations, but this was a good way to get my feet wet - can't wait to do more!


  5. If they are sturdy, I think $5 ea is too inexpensive. I would start higher, as you can always come down. People are always looking for functional, clean furniture.

    1. Thanks! I think I will start higher now that I think of it. Thanks for the input!

  6. WOW, no matter what you charge you are going to make a profit. I think $15 for the pair is the lowest you should go.

  7. I love thrifty home decor! Great job.

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  8. At the garage sales in my town, I would start out at $15 each. Maybe $25 if someone bought both. The only way they would get a better deal is to find there own for free. New would be double that!

  9. Great update! I love the change a little paint can make!

    ~Abby =)


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