Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Couldn't Be Easier Flip Flop Refash

I have been waiting way too long to jazz up these flip flops.  I picked these up at Target when they had a coupon for $2 off Women's sandals.  Do you see that price tag?  That means I got them for a whopping 5 cents!!!  

I'm a Teva girl, and didn't need a new pair of flip flops, so I picked these up for my 9-year-old step-daughter.  I have to say, it is a shame I didn't get them in my size, because I'd love to wear them now!

I envisioned making some pretty sandals with ribbon and found an adorable ribbon with a pre-made bow and knew I would find the second one somewhere around my house...  Well let's face it, with 2 under 2 in the house, I'm not finding anything soon!

Yesterday, I ran the kids over to the Dollar Store to pick up some things and found these.

How perfect! They also had a metal twist tie on the back, making them very easy to secure. The only thing that made the project take 3 minutes instead of one was making sure they were twisted tight and the ends were tucked to prevent scratching.

I love how they turned out! The only problem I could foresee is that the delicate butterflies might not hold up too well with a 9-year-old but, for $1.50, we can fix them up again! Couldn't be easier!


  1. How fun! I bet your daughter loves them :)

  2. These are cute! I love butterflies!

  3. Lovely and fun project!Thanks for sharing this neat idea!
    Hope you have a good weekend!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  4. wath a great refashion!

  5. What a cute idea!! Thank you so much for sharing your post on Seasons of Homemakers!!
    Abbi @ Seasons of Homemakers

  6. Love them.....think I need a new pair of flops!

  7. i love these flip flop they are very comfortable. nice done- great work

  8. So cute!! I love the butterflies, the color and most of all- the price! :) Saw on if it's not baroque party.
    gina from Gina's Craft Corner

  9. These are too cute! What a great job! Thanks for linking at HickoryTrail

  10. adorable!!! Old Navy is having $1 flip flop day tomorrow... I wish I lived close enough to one to go! :o) thanks for linking up to Tasteful Tuesdays at Nap-Time Creations! I'm posting another fabulous round up this weekend and YOU are included... hop on over and check out the post... grab a featured button if you don't already have one... AND I'd love for you to pin, +1, tweet or share on FB the collage that you are featured in... thanks for helping to spread the love :o) Emily

  11. So beautiful! I love butterflies!

  12. What an easy way to dress up a plain pair of flip flops! And thank you for helping to make week one of our Get Your DIY on Fall Party Challenge, a success! Next week's theme is Fall Wreaths, I hope we see you again! :) XO


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