Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sweet Father's Day Toolbelt

I have the absolute worst luck when it comes to gifts.  I think about them forever, come up with the perfect one with about a week to go, run into all sorts of trouble, and pull one together last minute - totally regretting that I couldn't pull off my original idea.

I had a great idea of getting Hubby a new tool belt and staining the leather with the kiddos handprint. I went to three different stores and couldn't find the small pouch Hubby likes.  I settled on this one and decided not to personalize it so it could be returned if he wanted.

Instead, I slapped together a card out of the limited supplies on hand at the cabin.  I used a coupon book for Finish Dishwashing products (notice the blue and green), an old graduation invitation, a glue stick, and some markers, and a newspaper grocery ad with the word "dad.". 

I cut the coupon so the bottom edge included the colors I wanted without the writing and glued pieces of the graduation invitation to the front and back.  I glues the newsprint letter to the front and personalized with the markers.

Since I'm pretty sure Hubby might return/exchange the tool belt, I decided to fill it with something he wouldn't return -lots of candy!  He can't complain about that!


  1. Oh Yum! I'm sure he enjoyed this! I know I would :) Thanks for linking up with HickoryTrail

  2. I'm sure your hubby loved this gift! So thoughtful!

    I'm hopping over from Thriving on Thursdays. Hope you're having a fantastic week!



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