Monday, July 8, 2013

Baby Genie Pants

Do do dodo dododo... Do do dodo dododo.

Is that coming across as the "I Dream of Jeanie" theme song?

No? Oh well.

One of the most sentimental outfits for my children is this little sack/sleep and play combo. It was the first outfit we bought after finding out I was pregnant. We got green because I didn't know if it was a boy or girl, and we brought it to bring Baby home from the hospital. We obviously hadn't been around little babies in a while, because it is way too big for a newborn.

It still barely fits my 8-month-old and, when I had it on her the other day, I loved the look of the flowy legs that bubbled out at the ankles.

Such an adorable look on those pudgy little baby bodies!!

It has been ages since I've used a sewing machine but, for some reason, I was convinced I could make some Genie-esque baby pants.

**Disclaimer** This was a wing-it and learn-as-you-go project. It worked for me and ended up pretty darn adorable, but those of you who know your way around a sewing machine could probably do a much better job. (And could you tell me how, because I want more!)

I laid out the inspiration outfit and trimmed a bit off the end of my small piece of material. I also used a couple pairs of baby pants as a guide as I went.

I started out struggling with scissors and ended up getting smart and trimming everything up with the rotary cutter.

For some reason, I thought the easiest way to go about it was to hem along the top and bottom for the waistband and legs. Did I think about how I was going to add the elastic later? Not so much, but it worked out.

I randomly eyeballed what I thought would be good for the elastic and folded the fabric over once and pinned with an extra centimeter folded under to prevent the material from raveling. I ended up with 5cm for the waist and 3cm for the legs.

I then laid the large piece out and folded each side in to create the legs. I used another pair of pants as a guide and cut to create the legs.

Voila! Two legs!

I sewed up one leg, across the crotch, and down the other leg. I stopped at the hem, so I could add the elastic later.

I inserted the elastic and finished the seam down the leg.

I then tackled that still-open front seam. I created an angle to take it in a bit at the waist and sewed and trimmed.

I thought that would take it in enough, but ended up doing the same seam to the back after I had already added the elastic.

To deal with the goofy way I did the elastic, I cut down the middle and trimmed the excess from the waistband down to the crotch.

I then stitched the sides down and gave it an "X" for looks and even more stability.

For the front, to cover my mess while adding the elastic, I cut a rectangle of fabric and sewed it down over the seam.

And then they were done!

Get ready for a cuteness overload!


  1. Hi!
    Thanks for hosting the Share the Love blog hop! I'm now following you all over the place :)
    Happy Tuesday!
    - Ang

  2. These are just too, too cute! I wish my little girl was younger so I could do this...I'm not sure she would submit to them now, boo!

    1. There's something so adorable about this shape on a little one. I'd love to se how it would look on an older girl if anyone would tolerate trying it out at that age! :)

  3. How adorable!! Thanks for linking up at the Pinterest Power Party - hope you'll come back next week! =) Have a terrific Thursday!


  4. I am a winger myself haha. Most my projects are that way. Thanks for linking up with Consider Me Inspired and Clippie Dips! Have a great day.

    1. I knew I wasn't alone. It may not be the most efficient way, but it works!

  5. Oh my goodness, so cute! Thank for the tutorial! These would have been perfect when my little guy was first learning to walk, he would get tripped up by his baggy pants sometimes. And your model is so precious :)

  6. So, so cute! Love them!! Thanks for sharing at Pinworthy Projects.

  7. These are so cute! I've really got to get a jump start on making a few things for the little one we are expecting in a few short months and these look great! Thanks for sharing!


  8. Cute pants! I love the fabric you used!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party


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