Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How I kicked butt on my weight loss plan last month

** I was in no way compensated for this post - I'm just so happy to find something that kept me motivated. I did all the work myself, so DietBet won't magically make you lose weight, but it may help your motivation last at least a month and help you succeed like I did.**

I have been pretty serious about my weight loss journey for about the past four month.  After having two babies in under two years, I had a lot of weight to lose and didn't get serious about it until my littlest was almost 6 months old.

Needless to say, I still have a lot to lose.

Last month I made some huge gains.  With meal planning, Couch to 5K, and some strong self-control I managed to knock 15 pounds off my overall weight loss goal.

Oh yeah, and my secret weapon.

I started joining DietBets.  I entered two, figuring that I was going to lose the weight, so I might as well win more.

I spent $20 on one and $35 on another.  For this frugal lady, that was a lot of motivation,  I was not going to lose that much money just because I couldn't control myself.

DietBet works like this.  You accept the challenge and upload two private photos to weigh-in.  You then have 4 weeks to lose 4% of your body weight.  When the month is over, if you are a winner, you verify with two more private photos and split the pot.

It took me a long time to decide to try this out.  I was looking into every way possible that this could be a scam.  It seems legit.  It is possible to win the game and not get your money back because DietBet keeps 15%, but I don't think this happens often.

The way I see it, I need to lose weight.  If I get the motivation I need from trying not to lose money, that is a bonus.  If I make money in the process, that is a major bonus.

This is a win-win for me.

Last month, I lost 15 pounds and I netted around $28.  This time, I am rolling my $83 credit into as many bets as possible and am determined to lose again (and win).

I have started my own game with a smaller $15 bet for anyone who wants to give this a try.  "The Final Days of Summer" game is to help us all lose weight and look great during the final days of summer. Give it a try!  Hopefully it will be the perfect motivation for you like it was for me!


  1. I have been wondering about dietbet. Thanks for telling more about it - I'll definitely check out the bet you created and will think about giving it a try!


    1. It's definitely worth a try! It has helped me so much because I would completely kick myself for losing money. I would love if you'd join my game - we have two of us, but 5 other potential first players. I think everyone is waiting to see if more will enter, but then it should grow a bit!


  2. Great job!! =) I keep telling myself I need to get up and get moving... Just to get in shape and be active! Anyway. Keep it up!! Thanks for linking up at the Pinterest Power Party - hope you'll come back next week! =) Have a terrific Thursday!


  3. I've never heard about DietBet before. What a great idea, I so need the motivation! Think I might have to give this a try. Thanks

  4. I've never heard of this site...great idea. We've done some group things like that before. I'm always better when I'm accountable to someone.

    Good luck!

  5. This is my first time hearing about DietBets - seems like awesome motivation. Thank you for posting about it!


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