Sunday, July 7, 2013

Share the Love Blog Hop

Hi everyone!  I am so excited to co-host this fantastic blog hop with Natasha and Danielle!  I hope you'll take the time to stay a while and check out some of the things I've been up to and follow so you can catch all that is coming!

Here are a couple of my favorite projects from the past couple months!

Amazing Playhouse  
Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches
Better Diaper Genie Refill
Swing Set Tire Ladder
Chicken and Artichoke Casserole
Secret Vanity Drawer

Hope everyone had a great, happy and healthy Fourth of July weekend!
Onto the blog hop!  

Welcome to Share the Love Blog Hop

Every month Share the Love blog hop will be on both Serenity You and Sew Much Crafting along with the co-hosts's blogs

1. Please follow your hosts @ number 1 & 2 and The co-hosts at number 3 - 7.  And any others that you like.
2. Please leave a comment on their blog letting them know that you are a new follower and found them on 'share the love blog hop'
3. Copy and paste the code at the bottom into a new post on your blog (optional)
4. Have fun!!

I am scheduling co-hosts now
If you would like to be a future co-host please fill in this Form
At the moment this is free, but soon I will be charging a small fee


Natasha @ Serenity You

Danielle @ Sew Much Crafting

After you have linked up your blog, make sure you scroll down to add your bloglovin, facebook, twitter, pinterest and google+ accounts!! 

Share the Love goes live the first Sunday of every month
If you would like to receive an email reminder of when the blog hop is live








1 comment:

  1. Thanks for co-hosting! I am a new follower via Bloglovin :)

    Melani @


I LOVE comments and, don't worry, there are no words to squint at and verify on this blog!! :) So, have at it!